Successful credit repair involves a broad approach to cleaning up your credit report and restructuring your credit. Everything matters. But some aspects of credit repair are more potent than others. Among all of the techniques you can use to boost your scores, the proper management of credit cards is the most powerful. Proper use of your credit cards can easily yield a 100 point improvement in your scores. Put these powerful techniques to work today.
Getting New Cards
If you do not have credit cards, now is the time to get them. If you want your credit repair results to really shine you cannot overlook the power of properly managed plastic. If you have had credit issues in the past you may be concerned about being approved. If you are unable to get approved for regular credit cards try secured cards. Secured credit cards are the ideal credit repair tool. If you have no open credit cards right now, two new secured cards will be adequate to get your scores moving up!
The Right Cards
Not all credit cards will benefit your credit repair effort equally. In fact, some credit cards can hinder your progress and may even be harmful. Department store credit cards and consumer credit cards, such as gas cards, are of no value for your credit repair and should be avoided. For score building purposes you should stick with mainstream cards like MasterCard and Visa. Small limits are fine! The key to success is keeping the right balances.
The Right Balances
The credit scoring model used by most lenders is called the FICO model. FICO places a significant amount of weight on the relationship between your account balance, as reported to the credit bureaus, and your limit. For credit repair success it is imperative that you keep your balances low. The FICO model recognizes card limit capacity utilization in 20 percent increments. If you run your balance over 80 of your limit your scores will tumble. But use less than 20 percent of the cards capacity and you will be richly rewarded with higher scores.
The Right Timing
Managing your credit card balances for credit repair success is an art. In theory there is no harm in using your cards to their limit as long as you manage to reduce the balance before the date that the creditor reports the card balance to the credit bureaus. This is not as easy as it seems. Many people pay their balances in full when they receive their monthly bill, only to be shocked to see that their credit report shows that their cards are maxed out. It is unlikely that the billing cycle and the creditors schedule for reporting to the credit bureaus will coincide. For credit repair purposes you may want to reduce your balances and keep them low.
Putting it All Together
Would you like to give your credit scores a powerful boost? Now is the time. Employ these credit repair techniques to harness the power of your credit cards. If you do not have any open credit card accounts, open two new accounts today. If you do cannot get regular cards, get a couple of secured cards. Stick with MasterCard and Visa, and avoid store cards and consumer accounts. And keep those balances low if you want your credit repair effort to pay off. You can do it!
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